The Master's thesis (TFM) involves the student carrying out a project, report or study in which they apply and develop the knowledge acquired within the Master. The work must be oriented to the application of the general competences associated with the degree.

During this period, the student will learn to design, develop, and present a research work, starting not only in the research processes but also in the learning of specific techniques and teamwork.

The assignment of the tutor and the subject will be made by mutual agreement between the tutor and student, who will submit the application for presentation of TFM (Anexo 1) to the Academic Committee of the Master. In the event that a student does not find a tutor through this route, they must inform the Academic Committee (, never beyond the deadlines stipulated for the receipt of applications for presentation. The application for presentation of the TFM duly completed and signed by the student and the tutor must be delivered to the Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine before December 15, 2023.

Students are required to complete their TFM within one of the research areas assigned to the Master's programme. These areas are published annually, along with the tutors assigned to each area. The work must be completed individually and supervised by the assigned tutor. The tutor assigned to the student will be a university professor with full teaching capacity and an active line of research. Their function will be to guide and supervise the student during the completion of the work, ensuring compliance with the set objectives. In exceptional cases, and with prior authorization from the academic committee of the Master, a co-tutor may be assigned. Works directed by non-affiliated personnel must be co-supervised by a a master’s professor.

The TFM can be developed through a mobility programme, an exchange agreement with another university, or a collaboration agreement with another entity. It can also be developed through complementary co-tutelage activities.

The TFM can only be evaluated after the student has passed the other subjects in the master's programme.

TFE Regulation

Normativa TFE (Grado y Master) Universidad de Sevilla

Normativa TFE (Grado y Master)  Facultad de Medicina

Anexo Asignación de Trabajo de Fin de Máster

Normativa sobre Informe del Comité Etico en Trabajos de Fin de Máster. The centre's website provides information on the procedure and forms required to request authorisation from the Ethics Committee. For more information, please visit the TFE section (Ethics Committee Forms).

Matriz de rúbrica para la evaluación de los TFM

Research areas and supervisors for conducting the Master's thesis 

Facultad de Medicina


TFM Presentation
First call (june)

The deadline for submitting the TFM in TERMINUS is between 6 and 12 June 2023, before 13:00. Tutors must approve the TFM before Tuesday 13 June 2023, at 13:00 h. The panels and their scheduled dates/times will be published on 14 June 2023.    Tribunales 

Second call (july)

The deadline for submitting the TFM in TERMINUS is between 3 and 7 July 2023, before 13:00 h. The period for approval by the tutors is until 7 July 2023, at 13:00 h. The selection boards and the dates/times on which they will act will be published on 11 July 2023. The defence acts will be held on 18 July 2023. Tribunales

Third call (october)

The deadline for submitting the TFM in TERMINUS is between 9 and 13 October 2023, before 13:00. The tutors will approve the submission until Friday 13 October 2023, at 13:00 h. The panels and the dates on which they will act will be published on 16 October 2023. The defence acts will be held on 26 October 2023. Tribunales 


Guía docente para tutores de TFG

Guía para realizar el depósito del TFG

Guía para tutores y miembros de comisiones evaluadores del TFG en Medicina en la aplicación Terminus


Solicitud presentación TFM (anexo 1) 

Directrices para la realización del TFM

Informe del tutor para el TFM

Autorización al tutor para que pueda solicitar certificado para la ANECA