An international double degree is a programme agreed between two universities (one Spanish and one foreign), through which a curricular itinerary is designed based on the mutual recognition and validation of the studies taken in each of them.
Through this programme, students enrolled in the programme can obtain an official qualification in the same subject, both in Spain (from the University of Seville) and in the country where the foreign university is located.
International Double Degree Programmes:
In collaboration with Università degli Estudi di Siena (Italia)

Students will spend the first semester in Seville and the second semester in Siena. Students who successfully complete the programme will obtain both the Master's Degree in Medical Research: Clinical and Experimental and the Master's Degree in Medical Biotechnology of the University of Siena.
There is a maximum of 2 places available for students of the Master in Medical Research: Clinical and Experimental at the University of Seville.
Specific requirements: To be enrolled in 60 ECTS in the same year in which the mobility will take place. Level of English B2 or higher.
In collaboration with Università di Genova (Italia)
- "Máster Universitario en Investigación Médica: Clínica y Experimental" y "Máster degree in Medical-Pharmaceutical Biotechnology" (dentro del proyecto Universidad Europea Ulysseus)

Students will spend the first semester in Seville and the second semester in Genoa. Students who successfully complete the programme will obtain both the Master's Degree in Medical Research: Clinical and Experimental and the Master's Degree in Medical-Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from the University of Genoa.
There is a maximum of 2 places for students of the Master in Medical Research: clinical and experimental of the University of Seville.
Specific requirements: To be enrolled in 60 ECTS in the same year in which the mobility is to be carried out. English level B2 or higher.
Important: the regional government of Genoa charges all its students regional taxes. The fees vary every year and updated information can be found on the following website.
Mobility Grants for Double Degrees. Click here
- Coordinator of the Master in Medical Research: Clinical and Experimental.
Prof. Patricia Judith Lardone.
- Academic coordinator of the double degree programme.
Prof. Juan Ramón Lacalle.