Photographs taken from the virtual exhibition "A Centenary within half a millennium", organised by Dr. Encarnación Bernal Borrego ( Full Professor of History of Medicine and President of the Organising Committee) in organisational collaboration with Dr. María Luisa Calero Delgado (Associate Professor of History of Medicine) and Dr. Víctor Núñez García (Associate Professor of History of Medicine) and the graphic collaboration of the following people: Dr. Jesús Ambrosiani Fernández (Prof. of Human Anatomy), Prof. Dr. Carlos Martínez Manzanares, Dr. Francisco José Araujo O'Reily, Prof. Dr. Juan Jiménez-Castellanos Ballesteros, Prof. Dr. Arturo Sanmartín, Dr. Jorge Domínguez-Rodiño Sánchez Laulhé, Dr. José Rojas Rodríguez, Dr. Aurora Calleja, Dr. María Lorente, Dr. Esther Díaz, Dr. Carmen López Lorente, Dra. Jorge Domínguez-Rodiño Sánchez Laulhé, Dr. José Rojas Rodríguez, Dr. Aurora Calleja, Dr. María Lorente, Dr. Esther Díaz, Dr. Carmen López Lorente Dña. Josefa Rosso and the Troteatro Theatre Group.