Equipo de Gobierno
Prof. Luis C. Capitán Morales
Prof. Titular de Universidad. Department of Surgery
It assumes all the functions assigned to it by the Statute of the University of Seville, the regulations of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Seville and those contemplated in the agreement between the University and the Andalussian Health Service. It is also responsible for the promotion of research, the management of the animal facility and the conservation and acquisition of bibliographic collections. It represents the Faculty and performs the functions of ordinary management and administration in this area.
Profª. Encarnación Bernal Borrego
Profa. Titular de Universidad. Department of Psychiatry
It assumes the functions of the Secretary's Office of the Faculty of Medicine and relations with the Administration and Services Staff.
Vice-Dean for Academic Planning and Digitalisation
Prof. Manuel Eugenio Dorado Ocaña
Prof. Titular de Universidad. Department of Human Anatomy and Embryology
It assumes the functions of organising the teaching activities of the Bachelor's Degree in Medicine and the Clinical Rotation, and also has the mission of promoting the digitalisation of the Faculty of Medicine.
Vice-Dean for International Relations, Internships and Teaching Staff
Prof. Gonzalo Alba Jiménez
Prof. Titular de Universidad. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Immunology
It is in charge of actions aimed at encouraging students to participate in exchanges with other universities, in international cooperation activities, and in European Union programmes. It also promotes and coordinates the centre's cultural initiatives and is in charge of relations with the teaching staff.
Vice-Dean for Teaching Innovation
Prof. Enrique Calderón Sandubete
Catedrático de Universidad. Department of Medicine
It is responsible for promoting and coordinating teaching innovation actions specifically in the field of clinical teaching, as well as the study and planning of the ECOE test. It is also in charge of studying new materials and equipment used for clinical skills training.
Vice-Dean for Research and Doctorate
Profª. María Elisa Cordero Matía
Profª. Titular de Universidad. Department of Medicine
It is responsible for drawing up proposals for Master's and Doctoral programmes, in collaboration with the departments concerned. It also studies the conditions for the initiation of medical students into research.
Vice-Dean for Biomedicine, Students and Volunteers
Profª. Carmen Garnacho Montero
Prof. Titular de Universidad. Department of Cytology and Normal and Pathological Histology
Assumes the functions of organising the teaching of the Bachelor's Degree in Biomedicine. Promoting agreements with companies and institutions. To promote exchange agreements with other Spanish and foreign universities. To disseminate information about the Bachelor's Degree in Biomedicine in society. To propose the provision of equipment for experimental teaching. It is responsible for relations with student representatives, for the promotion of student participation in its different facets (cultural, sporting, etc.), and for the improvement of study conditions in the Faculty. It is also in charge of student volunteering actions and other initiatives aimed at improving the presence of our students in society.
Vice-Dean of Entrepreneurship, Quality and Safety
Prof. Fernando Docobo Pérez
Prof. Titular de Universidad. Department of Microbiology
It is in charge of monitoring the degree improvement plans and the design, development and organisation of their accreditation. It is responsible for activities aimed at promoting entrepreneurship among students. It coordinates and participates in the security and prevention tasks of the activities carried out at the Centre.