Invitation to attend IHSC 2023


Dear Colleagues,


The Students’ Scientific Society of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences is pleased to announce the 7th International Health Sciences Conference (IHSC 2023) that will take place on 30-31th of March, 2023. This year conference will be held on site at Faculty of Pharmacy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sukileliu av. 13, Kaunas, LT-50166 Lithuania.


National and international bachelor’s and master’s students of biomedical sciences are invited to participate in the conference. Presentations in various fields such as fundamental medicine, surgery, internal medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, medical ethics or veterinary medicine are welcome to be showcased by active participants. In addition, passive participants are invited to attend workshops.

Submission of the abstracts have started so we kindly invite you to submit your abstracts until the 18th of January, 2023 .

More details about the conference and participation fees are available on For more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Organising Committee at


The Students’ Scientific Society of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences looks forward to welcoming you to the IHSC 2023!


Yours sincerely,

The Organising Committee of IHSC 2023


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